Poem's by Samantha....
I want to see you
I want to hear your voice
I want to feel your touch
I want to feel you
I want you to touch me
I want you to Hold me close.
I want you to sooth me.
All around
Screaming at me
They want answers
They want action
But I sit mute
Unable to speak
Unable to move
Help me
When you look at me
What do you see?
The dutiful daughter?
The compassionate freind?
The reliable co-worker?
The hardworking student?
I play the parts so well
I should win an oscar.
You fail to look beyond labels,
To look behind the masks.
There is more to me.
More than the pockets
Of life you put me in.
Swirling waves,black and blue
Drowning me in solitude
And silence.
A light breaks the darkness
What does it want?
Will it save me?
Or only cause greater pain?
I reach out,afraid to embrace it.
But more afraid not to.
A shattering symphony of voices
Invades my soul
Pushing out the silence
Filling the void with sound.
The light envelopes me
Pushing me up and out of the darkness.
The light soothes and calms
My aching soul.
Darkness swirling up
Threatening to swallow me
Dragging me down
To a pit of no return
The pain envelopes me
Too much pain
Unable to think
Unable to breathe
I claw at the walls
I want to be free
From the darkness
From the pain
You think you know me
You only know half of me
I keep the other me buried deep
She cries out, wanting freedom
I won't let you see her
Her passions scare me
The cries for freedom are drowned
By your expectations
I feel her grow week
If she took over
Would you still want me?
The risk is too great
I push her down once again
Control is my solace
In silent desperation
I scream to be set free
Your expectations bind me
To places I don't want to be
Heat, burning in the night
Warm whispers
On wet skin
Fevered caresses
Exploding desires
With disheveled darkness and confusion
Tranquil glory is forgotten
Except for the fortunate innocent
Found amidst embittered despair
Rustling wind comes with unnatural warnings
Like a delicious message
Of warm impending desire
Whose flame sends soft thoughts
Seared by love's silky breezes
With snake like hair streaked in pink and
crystal liquid eyes you stare up from
the cold concrete. You dare me to look back.
Daring me to fall into you and find myself.
My heart beats faster as I approach, knowing
you're there. Waiting. Do I stop and journey
into you fearful that I may never return again.
Or do I walk quickly by, eyes straight ahead,
afraid to look down for what I might find.
Does falling into you mean finding you-or do
I find the "other" me-that secret little dark
spot just off to the left that I keep hidden from
everyone, including my self. The self I'm only
allowed to be in my dreams. Dark at night
when no one else is here.
If I open that secret self and let it see the bright
blue skies and feel the heat of the August
sun-do I lose control of it? Will it fight to
exist out in the open day after day? Do I lose
forever the me I am today at this moment in
time or become the complete me I was meant
to be?